Part 5 - Balancing Sticks #2

This project was done at the creek instead of at my house. I found some interesting looking logs/sticks that I found in the creek that are very black and balanced them in a fun way. I like both of the balancing sticks projects the same because they are both unique in their ways. However, I think I like this one even better because it is done at the creek with sticks that you do not see normally in the woods. These sticks had been beaten by the flowing creek and made black and sharp which I found really interesting and fun. It was hard to balance these sticks for the same reason as the last project, because of the wind. Also, these are more heavy so the wind would put the balance off and they would slide off. Overall I love how this turned out.

Title: Balance 2
Materials: sticks/logs
Sarah Hibma 2020


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